About Prescott Flags

Prescott Flags is a division of the Car Dog Network LLC founded in 2014 locally owned and operated by Robert J Marchello aka Bob and Karen D Marchello.
Bob is a native Arizonan with deep roots in Prescott. His great grandfather immigrated from Italy through New Orleans to Presoctt, AZ in 1901 to work in the mines. His great grandmother followed in 1905 with three children, including Bob's grandfather Anthony through Ellis Island. Anthony aka Tony later as an adult obtain legal citizenship, married and Bob's father John was born, a Prescott native. Tony own and operated his own business in downtown Prescott on Cortez Street from the early 20's until his passing in the 60's. Karen is a Washington State Native who first meet Bob in 1993 in Corvallis, OR when she purchase a new vehicle from Bob. Now that is Full Service!

Prescott Flags was launch in 2023 after Bob found a new passion for the retail flag business. This is not our first internet business-operation we have been active on the internet since 2001. In addition to their online ventures both Bob and Karen have worked in Retail Industries for over 30 years. Both strive to provide the best customer service possible and believe the quality of products carries more weight than simply price.

Prescott Flags will work hard to find and offer for sale the best quality products at competitive prices. For us quality of the product must come before price. When we are looking for products to offer we seek to find products Made In USA, not always an easy thing to do currently. Sadly, we all know much of the production of products for what ever reason has moved overseas and to often you are forced to purchase imported products. Made in USA does not always mean the best quality and thus we monitor closely the products we offer, and when necessary, make changes.

We include a 90 day Warranty from purchase date against manufacturing defects on all purchases. We inspect each item prior to delivery or shipping, however if you feel you have received a defective product, use the contact form to begin a claim.

Thank You
Bob & Karen
Bob and Karen Marchello

Feature Products By
Eder Flags Valley Forge Flags
Partners and Organization
Flag Manufactures Association of America