Cardinal Balloon Spinner

Animated Kinetic Hot Air Balloons are eye-catching and fun

Cardinal Balloon Spinner

Animated Kinetic Hot Air Balloons are eye-catching and fun

List Price $25.50

Price $22.75

ID: PF00101 In Stock Available for Delivery, Pick-Up or Shipping
Cardinal Hot Air Balloon: Next Generation hub and axle construction for smooth spinning and improved durability. Weather and fade resistant polyester fabric mounted on clear plastic for stability. Fiberglass rods hold the balloon's shape. Dye-sublimation printed design - cardinal in plumeria blossoms. Unique graphics on each panel produce an animated effect as the balloon spins. 26" detachable, color-coordinated curly tail attached to eyelet below basket. Ships flat - easy to assemble. Attached heavy duty clip for easy hanging.

Hot Air Balloon styled spinners provide color and relaxing action as they spin in the wind. A colorful and fun addition to your landscape.

Assembly note: For use in high wind we recommend using a high-strength glue to secure panels - glue not included

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Cardinal Balloon Spinner
Cardinal Balloon Spinner