26 LED Solar Flagpole Light

Easy to Install Top Mounted Light

26 LED Solar Flagpole Light

Easy to Install Top Mounted Light

List Price $69.50

Price $58.90

ID: PF00117 In Stock Available for Delivery, Pick-Up or Shipping
26 LED Solar Flagpole Light: This solar flagpole top light is designed to mount on the top of your pole up to 45ft. and illuminate downward. Solar light includes 3 x 2000 mAh batteries and powerful 6v 6 cell solar panel to fully charge in sunny weather. Accepts the industry standard 1/2" shank by 1.5" depth for mounting of finial - pole toppers.

This is a great light for those concerned with night sky, all 26 LED's are downward facing. It provides enough light to illuminate your flags and lays down a small footprint on the ground.

The batteries for this unit are standard Lithium AA rechargeable solar batteries available at most hardware stores. It has easy access to change those batteries and users report 2-3 years lifespan in this application.

This light easily installs on your flagpole by simply unscrewing the Finial pole topper, insert it through the center of the light and back onto the flagpole.

Note: Pre-charge your light for at least 48 hours with the light off before installing. Make sure you turn the light on when you install it on the flagpole.

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26 LED Solar Flagpole Light
26 LED Solar Flagpole Light
Easy Battery Access and On-Off Switch
Easy Battery Access and On-Off Switch