3x5 1st Navy Jack - Don't Tread On Me

American Revolution Flag - Made In USA

3x5 1st Navy Jack - Don't Tread On Me

American Revolution Flag - Made In USA

List Price $63.50

Sale Price $46.01

ID: PF00684 In Stock Available for Delivery, Pick-Up or Shipping
3x5 1st Navy Jack - Don't Tread On Me: Printed flag made from durable 200 Denier Nylon water resistant fabric that presents your flag in bright colors that is fade resistant to lots of exposure to sunlight. Durable but light enough to fly in slight breeze. These flags are constructed with brass grommets, a heavy blended fabric heading and 4 rows of stitching on fly end.

FMAA Certified as Made in USA with 100% USA Materials.


There is a widespread belief that ships of the Continental Navy flew a jack consisting of alternating red and white stripes, having the image of a rattlesnake stretched out across it, with the motto "Don't Tread on Me." That belief, however, rests on no firm base of historical evidence.

In late 1775, as the first ships of the Continental Navy readied in the Delaware River, Commodore Esek Hopkins issued an instruction directing his vessels to fly a "striped" jack and ensign. The exact design of these flags is unknown. But, since about 1880, this jack has traditionally been depicted as consisting of thirteen red and white stripes charged with an uncoiled rattlesnake and the motto "Dont Tread on Me" [sic]; this design appeared in a color plate in Admiral George Henry Preble's influential History of the Flag of the United States. Recent scholarship, however, has demonstrated that this design never existed but "was a 19th-century mistake based on an erroneous 1776 engraving"




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1st Navy Jack - Don't Tread On Me
1st Navy Jack - Don't Tread On Me