30 inch Black Beaded Retainer

For 5" Butt Diameter Flagpole

30 inch Black Beaded Retainer

For 5" Butt Diameter Flagpole

List Price $79.50

Price $71.35

ID: PF00696

Special Order: Ships in 3 to 7 Days

30 inch Black Beaded Retainer for 5" Butt Diameter Flagpole.

These beaded rings are constructed of 1" diameter nylon balls strung onto 1/8" stainless steel aircraft cable with a stainless steel thimble attached to each end with two copper crimps. Complete with stainless steel quick link.

The length of each retainer ring is determined by measuring from the outside tip of each thimble the quick link is not included in the measurement.

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30 inch Black Beaded Retainer
30 inch Black Beaded Retainer